Syntax of printf() method in java 5:
printf("format string", argument (s));
The point to remember here is that, formatting data will always start with a percent sign (%).
For Example:
System.out.printf("%1$d + %2$d", 10, 20);
10 + 20
Here, as we can see, inside the double quotes, is a format string. 1$ represents the first argument. Similarly, 2$ represents the second argument. + sign is used to add a + symbol. d character is a conversion character.
Now, lets watch out for complete syntax:
% [arg_index$] [flags] [width] [.precision] conversion char
- arg_index An integer value followed by $. arg_index indicates which argument should be printed in this position.
- flags Following is the list of some of the flags:
"-" Left justify the argument
"+" Include a (+ or -) sign with the argument
"0" Pad the argument with zeros
"," Use comma in argument (like 100,678)
"(" Enclose nagitive numbers in parentheses - width Determines minimum of characters to be printed
- precision Used for formatting with floating point numbers. precision determines the number of digits to be printed after decimal point.
- conversion Type of argument to be formatted. For Example:
- b boolean
- c char
- d integer
- f floating point
- s string
ReplyDeleteThis information is very useful for me, as i am fresher this will help me a lot.
Good work.